Liddell Street, Silloth, Cumbria, CA7 4DR

016973 31243

Silloth Primary School

Children Come First

Our Governors

 At Silloth School, we have a Full Governing Body which is then divided into two sub committees. The first committee is the Curriculum, Pupil welfare and Standards Committee and our second Committee is the Finance, staffing and Premises Committee. Whilst each committee has set areas of school to focus on, our Governors are supported to gain the bigger picture of school through reading minutes of each committee and monitoring school aspects.


The three roles of Governors at Silloth Primary School:

Role 1: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

Role 2: Holding the Head to account for the performance of the school and it's pupils, and the performance of staff.

Role3: Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that it's money is well spent. May also reference securing safeguarding/ Prevent agenda.

Also, specific tasks that support the three roles, including appointment of the Headteacher, supporting his/her wellbeing, attending meetings and undertaking training.

Governor Information 2023-2024

Attendance for 2023-2024 Governor meetings

Full Governing Body Terms of Reference