Our Vision
At Silloth Primary School, our vision for PE is to provide pupils with opportunities to develop a love of physical activity and a lifestyle that will lead to a healthy future. It will enable them to explore their creativity, experience competition and develop their resilience in overcoming challenges – both as independent thinkers and as part of a team. They will learn how to recognise their own successes and evaluate plans, ideas and performances to improve the quality of their work.
PE at Silloth Primary School has been enriched by the government’s PE and sport premium funding which was introduced in 2013. This has been fundamental in providing our children significant opportunities in physical education.
Our Aims
Through the teaching of physical education we aim to:
Our Curriculum
Teaching and Learning
Children have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities which build upon skills across their time in school. We are members of our local School Sports Partnership and PE specialist teachers provide CPD and support to staff. Skills are taught in small steps which continue to be developed as children progress throughout school. Therefore, all learners are supported, challenged and given the opportunity to access all areas of the curriculum.
All staff believe that pupils can achieve and improve in PE and that all children are capable of making progress. Teachers and sports coaches support pupils by:
Silloth Primary School follows the National Curriculum and a long term plan developed alongside the local Sports Partnership.
Please see our Long term Plan below.
Professional sports coaches deliver sport specific sequences of lessons tailored for the relevant year groups and key stages. When teachers deliver PE lessons, they follow the Long Term Plan to ensure progression in skills and coverage of the curriculum. They use the ‘GetSet4PE’ scheme of work which provides detailed and comprehensive planning. It has opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge alongside affording them challenge and progression.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage setting, provision and outdoor areas (free flow) are freely available to children on a daily basis. Physical education is accessed within these areas as they provide opportunities to access skills linked to the objectives from the EYFS Revised Framework.
Whole school P.E. Long Term Curriculum Plan
Curriculum Athletics Lesson
Children in Years 5 and 6 attend swimming lessons at Wigton Swimming Baths. They have ten, weekly lessons which are taught by the experienced swimming instructors. The children are assessed at the start and end of the ten week block.
Children are taught to:
swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
Enrichment Opportunities
Sports Day
Over the course of the year, out inter-school competitions afford opportunities for children to win points for their Sports Day coloured teams. These are totalled and provide a starting score as children from Reception to Year 6 compete in our annual Sports Day which is held on our school field in the Summer Term. Nursery children also have the opportunity to participate in their very own event which is held earlier that morning.
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (OAA)
In our Year 4 residential to Robinwood in Alston, children have opportunities to participate in many outdoor and team building activities including climbing, canoeing and archery. Our Year 6 children have the opportunity to experience ski-ing during their residential to Manchester.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a range of extra-curricular sporting opportunities through our after school clubs which run throughout the year and include football, basketball, Kwik Cricket and rounders. We have good links to many excellent sporting clubs and facilities in the local area including Silloth Tennis Club. Tennis after school club is run by the Silloth Tennis Club coach and allows children to experience tennis coaching in a familiar surrounding prior to joining an external club.
Assessment and Monitoring
Our chosen scheme of work, GetSet4PE, has clear learning objectives and assessment criteria. The scheme’s assessment resource is used by teachers to track progress and attainment. The PE subject leader monitors the attainment of pupils and ensures staff are kept up to date with the information. The PE subject leader also supports staff with their teaching of physical education, disseminates information regarding active learning and sports and provides updates on CPD opportunities.
The Sports Premium Grant
The PE and School Sports Funding Report details the impact of the School Sports Funding at Silloth Primary School. Please click on the link to the Sports Premium Page to find out more.
Help to Keep Active Out of School
You Tube – Just Dance
You Tube – PE with Joe Wicks