Emma Mounsey is our SENDCO and can be contacted through the main school office

016973 31243

Silloth Primary School SEND Vision Statement

At Silloth Primary School, we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all children and adults, and strive to ensure that these values are at the heart of our SEND practices.

Happy children learn well and therefore, the well-being of our children comes before all else. We strive to form positive, trusting relationships with our families as we believe that this is the most important factor in supporting all children and, in particular, children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We know that parents are the first educators of their child and that we need their knowledge and co-operation to plan effectively.

‘Children Come First’ and therefore, their voice is integral to the planning of support for their education and experiences in school. Through our ‘Pupil Passports’, we ensure that their voices are heard and, most importantly, considered when it comes to their education.

We believe that Early Identification of SEND and/or barriers to learning is key to be able to provide effective support for our children’s success. We are committed to providing expert support and resources for children with SEND to fulfil their individual potential.

Our starting point is to strive for a whole-school approach to providing for the needs of children with SEND. To do this, we liaise with outside agencies to provide whole-school training on key priorities in school. Thus providing staff with the key knowledge and skills to support all children, including those with SEND. We are an Attachment Aware School and as such have in-house expertise in settling troubled children to learn through our ELSA programme, The Zones of Regulation, Lego Therapy, Time to Talk and Drawing and Talking.

Our SENDCo attends the Local Authority SENDCO Forum, which keeps all schools up to date with national developments and local projects on inclusion. 

SEND Information report


