Reception & KS1 Stars of the Week
Celebrating Achieving a Life Saver Medal!
Key Stage 2 Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
We have been Awarded 'School of the Year' at the Cumbria Schools Environmental Awards.
This award recognises our school's commitment and achievements through our Global Learning Education Programme.
We are very proud of what we have achieved.
(The ceremony was delayed from 2020 due to the pandemic)
Year 6 Young Writers Awards
All 'This Is Me' poems are being published.
A HUGE WELL DONE to one of our Y1 children for having their mini-book selected to be displayed in The British of only 12 books selected from across the whole country!
During COP26, the children were challenged to work towards their Green Blue Peter badges to show their commitment to helping the environment.
Here are our Climate Heroes!
KS2 children were entered for a prize draw at the British Library for sending their comic strips, which had been a homework project this term.
They won a £50 book token for the school and each class has selected books they would like to buy with the token.
They received great praise from the British Library Learning Team...
'We’ve now had time to look properly through all your amazing entries – and we’re absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the standard of work from your school...your comics are utterly superb!
The children’s energy and passion really shines through in their work – and there’s so much witty attention to detail. Me and my colleague have been giggling away at the exploits of Cat Man. Thank goodness Nit becomes a cat hugger! And the banana gun is fantastic in ‘Dr Craze and the Menace’.
Please say a huge thank you from all of us – to every one of the children for their care, imagination and brilliant drawing. They’re all superheroes!
All the very best,
Andrea and the Learning team
Some of the Comic Strips sent to the British Library
Our £50 Book Token
The Books Classes Chose to Buy
Our 'Scoop Your Poop' Poster Winner
From the Archive...
SPS in top 3% of Schools for Progress from KS1 to KS2 2016
Golden Apple Award Winners
Primary School of the Year 2013