What We Aim to Provide for All Our Children
At Silloth Primary School our curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to all, but it is much more than the National Curriculum. We use the National Curriculum as a backbone of our planning but enhance, enrich and adapt all aspects to engage our children with meaningful, memorable and magical moments and to meet our children's individual needs.
The curriculum at Silloth Primary School is everything that we 'teach', but is underpinned by everything that we 'do' to encourage our children to grow as individuals and together in this special community .
Our curriculum gives our school a distinct identity and reflects our values and ethos. It acknowledges our place in the local community and through our Global Learning Programme, develops an awareness of the wider world in which we live and an understanding of our place and our role within it.
We place a high emphasis on basic skills and this ensures that children achieve well. We aim to develop a life long love of learning in all of our children and work tirelessly to find the right ways to do this for each individual child.
Our pupils are taught in many different ways, with quality first teaching the priority for everyone. All teaching and learning is of a high quality and is planned to ensure that pupils are supported and challenged on their learning journey.
'Pupils in all year groups make substantial and sustained progress. Children start Nursery with skills and abilities that are slightly lower than those expected for their age. They leave Year 6 with outcomes that are above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.'
'The curriculum provides rich opportunities for pupils’ learning. Reading, writing and mathematics are incorporated seamlessly across different areas of the curriculum.'
(Ofsted 2017)