Curriculum Statement

Our Curriculum’s aim is to nurture, empower and support the whole child today, to flourish into successful, happy and resilient life- long learners who positively contribute to the global community of tomorrow

Our curriculum takes it’s inspiration from, and is a response to, the needs of our community, our ambitions as a school and the requirements of the National Curriculum. We aim to provide a challenging and creative curriculum.


We have the highest possible expectations of our pupils and staff so that everyone can be the best that they can be. We aim to develop independent, aspirational, confident and resilient global citizens who reflect, seek out and embrace the world around them.

Our curriculum has been built on carefully sequenced knowledge which builds to facilitate future acquisition of knowledge and skills. Equally we ensure coherence through the whole curriculum through 4 common themes;

Cumulative knowledge: our curriculum is rooted in developing knowledge and understanding. Knowing things helps us to connect with previous knowledge and to make connections. Knowledge provides building blocks. These building blocks fit together to increase children’s knowledge over time = Cumulative knowledge.

Building Substantive and Disciplinary knowledge: It is our intention that pupils become a little more expert as they progress through the curriculum, accumulating and connecting substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

·       Substantive knowledge – this is the subject knowledge and explicit vocabulary used to learn about the content of each subject.

·       Disciplinary knowledge – this is the use of knowledge and how children become a little more expert as geographers, scientists, musicians, artists etc. This knowledge helps children to think geographically, historically etc.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary is planned sequentially and cumulatively from Early years to Year 6.

Knowledge Retention (working and long term memory): Our curriculum is planned so that Children are encouraged to access prior knowledge and revisit key areas of learning across the curriculum so they use their knowledge, rather than lose their knowledge.


The primary National Curriculum Link


Curriculum Statement

Our Curriculum’s aim is to nurture, empower and support the whole child today, to flourish into successful, happy and resilient life- long learners who positively contribute to the global community of tomorrow

Our curriculum takes it’s inspiration from, and is a response to, the needs of our community, our ambitions as a school and the requirements of the National Curriculum. We aim to provide a challenging and creative curriculum.


We have the highest possible expectations of our pupils and staff so that everyone can be the best that they can be. We aim to develop independent, aspirational, confident and resilient global citizens who reflect, seek out and embrace the world around them.

Our curriculum has been built on carefully sequenced knowledge which builds to facilitate future acquisition of knowledge and skills. Equally we ensure coherence through the whole curriculum through 4 common themes;

Cumulative knowledge: our curriculum is rooted in developing knowledge and understanding. Knowing things helps us to connect with previous knowledge and to make connections. Knowledge provides building blocks. These building blocks fit together to increase children’s knowledge over time = Cumulative knowledge.

Building Substantive and Disciplinary knowledge: It is our intention that pupils become a little more expert as they progress through the curriculum, accumulating and connecting substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

·       Substantive knowledge – this is the subject knowledge and explicit vocabulary used to learn about the content of each subject.

·       Disciplinary knowledge – this is the use of knowledge and how children become a little more expert as geographers, scientists, musicians, artists etc. This knowledge helps children to think geographically, historically etc.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary is planned sequentially and cumulatively from Early years to Year 6.

Knowledge Retention (working and long term memory): Our curriculum is planned so that Children are encouraged to access prior knowledge and revisit key areas of learning across the curriculum so they use their knowledge, rather than lose their knowledge.


The primary National Curriculum Link