Teaching & Support Staff




 Mrs Catherine Bellas

BA (Hons) in  English and Education with Early Years Specialism and QTS. NPQH.

 Early Years Team 

'Children start school in Nursery with skills and abilities below those typical for their age. They make outstanding progress in Nursery and Reception.'

(Ofsted 2017)

Miss Butler - Nursery Class Teacher, SLT - Phase 1 Leader & Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

Miss Butler - Nursery Class Teacher, SLT - Phase 1 Leader & Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

Miss Larkin - Reception Teacher

Miss Larkin - Reception Teacher

Miss James - HLTA

Miss James - HLTA

'Due to the outstanding teaching that they receive in key stage 1 and key stage 2, pupils leave the school with attainment that is higher than that seen nationally in reading, writing and mathematics. As a result, they are prepared exceptionally well for the next stages in their education.'

(Ofsted 2017)

KS1 Team

Miss Mounsey - Y2 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 2 Leader

Miss Mounsey - Y2 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 2 Leader

Mrs Reeves - TA

Mrs Reeves - TA

Mrs Hardy - TA

Mrs Hardy - TA

KS2 Team

Mrs Brooks - Y3 Class Teacher

Mrs Brooks - Y3 Class Teacher

Miss Bateson - Y4 Class Teacher

Miss Bateson - Y4 Class Teacher

Miss Walker - Y5 Class Teacher

Miss Walker - Y5 Class Teacher

Mrs Smart - Y6 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 3 Leader

Mrs Smart - Y6 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 3 Leader

Miss Brown - STA

Miss Brown - STA

Mrs Wilson - STA

Mrs Wilson - STA

'Teachers work extremely well with support staff to plan learning carefully. They plan imaginative and creative lessons, which engage pupils...there is a ‘can do’ culture in the school. All adults have high expectations and are aspirational for pupils. This is consistent across school for different groups of pupils and across all subjects. Teaching is clear and precise. Adults have excellent subject knowledge across a wide range of subjects. They use this knowledge to ask skilful questions, which enable pupils to develop their own thinking.

(Ofsted 2017)

There are no staff on salaries over £100,000.

 Teaching & Support Staff




 Mrs Catherine Bellas

BA (Hons) in  English and Education with Early Years Specialism and QTS. NPQH.

 Early Years Team 

'Children start school in Nursery with skills and abilities below those typical for their age. They make outstanding progress in Nursery and Reception.'

(Ofsted 2017)

Miss Butler - Nursery Class Teacher, SLT - Phase 1 Leader & Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

Miss Butler - Nursery Class Teacher, SLT - Phase 1 Leader & Specialist Leader of Education (SLE)

Miss Larkin - Reception Teacher

Miss Larkin - Reception Teacher

Miss James - HLTA

Miss James - HLTA

'Due to the outstanding teaching that they receive in key stage 1 and key stage 2, pupils leave the school with attainment that is higher than that seen nationally in reading, writing and mathematics. As a result, they are prepared exceptionally well for the next stages in their education.'

(Ofsted 2017)

KS1 Team

Miss Mounsey - Y2 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 2 Leader

Miss Mounsey - Y2 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 2 Leader

Mrs Reeves - TA

Mrs Reeves - TA

Mrs Hardy - TA

Mrs Hardy - TA

KS2 Team

Mrs Brooks - Y3 Class Teacher

Mrs Brooks - Y3 Class Teacher

Miss Bateson - Y4 Class Teacher

Miss Bateson - Y4 Class Teacher

Miss Walker - Y5 Class Teacher

Miss Walker - Y5 Class Teacher

Mrs Smart - Y6 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 3 Leader

Mrs Smart - Y6 Class Teacher & SLT - Phase 3 Leader

Miss Brown - STA

Miss Brown - STA

Mrs Wilson - STA

Mrs Wilson - STA

'Teachers work extremely well with support staff to plan learning carefully. They plan imaginative and creative lessons, which engage pupils...there is a ‘can do’ culture in the school. All adults have high expectations and are aspirational for pupils. This is consistent across school for different groups of pupils and across all subjects. Teaching is clear and precise. Adults have excellent subject knowledge across a wide range of subjects. They use this knowledge to ask skilful questions, which enable pupils to develop their own thinking.

(Ofsted 2017)

There are no staff on salaries over £100,000.